With her clever tactics for obtaining food، this cat with a cow-like appearance never fails to bring joy، even when faced with locked pantries

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The family began to figure out their cat was a foodaholic، so Sara invested in some locks to prevent him from consuming food excessively.

“He would eat anything، even weird things like vegetables and pizza crusts by going through our bins and neighbors’ rubbish.” – Sara shared.

Little did she know، Keith was beyond cleverness and stubbornness. One time، Sara put a heavy bag in front of the cabinet so the wily kitty would not put his paws into it. Instead of using Keith’s lovely paws، he used his 24lbs body to move the bag successfully.

“He would clamber in when you opened the fridge and I was worried he’d get trapped in without us noticing.” – The woman said

“I’ve now had to put all of his rations in plastic tubs with click-down lids. We’ve tried puzzle feeders to slow him down but he’s just tipped them over.” – She continued.

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